校友亮点:Rowan D. rockfellow, 2020届毕业生

Rowan-D-Rockafellow-20-2.jpg12月. 2021:罗文·D. rockfellow CC 2020级.
Rowan double-majored in 经济学 and Political Science and minored in Chinese and he won the Werner Thesis Prize in 2019-20 for his thesis titled: Debt Diplomacy or Development: The Determinants of China's Official Lending in Africa. Rowan is working as a re搜索 analyst for CGD's Sustainable Development Finance Team and speaks Mandarin Chinese.

Recently Rowan reached out to us to share his team's first CGD report. 这篇论文叫做Mapping China's Multilateralism: A Data Survey of China's Participation in Multilateral Development Institutions and Funds.在里面, the team analyzed data on China's involvement in 76 multilateral development institutions and funds, 重点关注中国作为捐助国的角色, 股东, 客户端, 商业伙伴. 他们还写了这个 政策简报 和一个 博客文章 和论文一起, which will provide a sense of the content without committing to the whole 70-page endeavor. 

 继续阅读更多经济学. & 公共汽车. 部门. 新闻里的校友!

JayneHrdlicka-approved-84-2.jpg Jayne Hrdlicka, 业务 经济学 Major, Class of 1984 Re-elected Tennis Australia Chair
Anna-Gurolnick-20.jpg Anna Gurolnick, Women's Volleyball SCAC Character & Community Highlight and 经济学 Major, Class of 2020
   Sam-Bermingham-20.jpg Sam Bermingham, Men's Soccer SCAC Character & Community and 经济学 Major, Class of 2020


马克彼得森, 经济学 Major, Class of 1993: Insurance Care Direct Hires a Company Buyer

《赌博正规的十大网站》 has named 西奥妓女 ’18 as a “30 Under 30” Honoree!

12月. 2020年:西奥·胡克, a 科罗拉多大学 数理经济学 Major, class of 2018 is recognized by 《赌博正规的十大网站》' "30 Under 30" list for his work in building 植树造林中心s—public-private partnerships designed to rejuvenate American city environments and economies. 形成层碳 co-founders 妓女, Marisa Repka, and Ben Christensen were recognized as members of the 《赌博正规的十大网站》 “30 Under 30” Class of 2021 in the social impact category.

形成层碳 is a circular economy startup reforesting America by enabling local wood economies. 通过再造林中心模式, the enterprise saves fallen city trees from landfills, 把它们发挥到极致, and channels revenues into new tree planting—all while creating local jobs, 支持本地经济, 应对气候变化.

妓女 says “We started Cambium to help imagine a new business model that positively impacts local environments and communities while being financially sustainable as well. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the lack of resilience embedded in parts of our economy, and the 植树造林中心 model is an opportunity to build back better from the pandemic and create a more resilient future.”

《赌博正规的十大网站》 notes that “in the 10 years since we published the first 《赌博正规的十大网站》 “30位30岁以下”榜单, 世界已经发生了巨大的变化, but one thing has not: our hi故事 of spotting young innovators on the verge of making it big.”

在CC, 胡克获得了沃森奖学金 for his project “Feeding the Earth and Ourselves,” which focused on the complexity of food systems. The project took him to 印度, 西班牙, Kenya, England, the Netherlands, and Fiji.

That was not the first major award 妓女 received during his 科罗拉多大学 career. 妓女, 学术上的全美选手, was the goalkeeper for the CC men’s soccer team, and named Co-Defensive Player of the Year by the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference, setting a program record for goalkeeping. He earned all-SCAC honors four times and was a two-time second-team selection, including his freshman season when he was named the league’s Newcomer of the Year.


2018: 西奥妓女 '18 Receives Watson Fellowship 

Follow along with Theo as he travels the globe studying agricultural and food system sustainability!

西奥妓女 '18, a mathematical economics major, is one of 2018's 40 Watson Fellows. Fellows receive $30,000 for 12 months of travel. Theo says: "I'll be traveling the world for the next 12 months investigating agricultural and food system sustainability. 我要去英国旅行, 西班牙, 荷兰, 坦桑尼亚, 印度, and Fiji in order to explore the relationship between ecological sustainability, 经济可行性, and cultural traditions and learn how people perceive 和一个ddress food system sustainability."

点击这里阅读抄送 故事 西奥的奖学金,或者 在这里关注他的博客 关于他的冒险经历. To learn more about the Watson Fellowship, visit their 网站.

Theo was also highlighted in October 2017 as a SCAC Character & 社区男子足球运动员. 点击这里阅读相关内容!

Student Spotlight: Chris Pleasance 经济学 Major Class of 2021

克里斯·普莱森斯,21岁 is working for the nonprofit startup SOS弯曲, whose mission is to help local businesses in Bend, Oregon weather the COVID-19 crisis.

Chris commented that SOS弯曲 creates "an online platform to connect individuals with local businesses so that they can purchase store credit for future use. This gets money directly into the hands of struggling local business owners while enabling community members to make a difference from the safety of their homes."

Chris worked on the video project below and has since taken on a full-time content marketing role with SOS弯曲 to promote their mission of supporting local businesses.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/12/2022